Monday, January 26, 2009

Voices in the wilderness who need our support

Fortunately, not every soul working in Washington, D.C. today has been stricken with the dangerous strain of Hussein fever (a virulent infection that causes the victim to hallucinate that Hussein Obama is qualified to be president).

Louisiana's own Sen. David Vitter, for example, has stood against the multi-generational theft scheme currently being railroaded through Congress by the Democrat Party grift machine.

Another Senator who has impressed me over the years is Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma. He has stood firmly against money grubbing flim flam artists such as climate change huckster Al Gore and, most recently, tax cheat Timothy Geithner -- a man who will wield the blunt force of the IRS against us as he confiscates trillions of dollars from honest people, while he himself who refused to pay his own taxes.

Vitter, Inhofe and the minority of conservative Republicans are working right now behind enemy lines in Washington D.C., a city currently being ransacked by a mob of Democrats that resembles a band of Somali pirates more than elected officials. This drunken band of tax-happy leftists is getting ready to knock over the U.S. Treasury like Bonnie and Clyde robbing a small town bank.

These lonely conservatives need and deserve support from those of us appalled at the contempt the Democrat Party shows for our values, our opinions and our liberties.

But, until we regain a majority, learn to like it, Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer. If you complain, be ready to be labeled as greedy, mean, selfish, racist, homophobic, sexist and hateful. Hussein won and you lost. Now shut up and pay up!

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