Friday, January 30, 2009

Please don't sign the Congressional suicide pact!

Here is an email I sent to Sen. Mary Landrieu this morning.

Sen. Landrieu:

I am writing today to you as a very concerned Louisiana constituent and taxpayer who is pleading that you vote against the so-called "stimulus" bill making its way through Congress.
Time again both domestically and internationally such reckless deficit spending has proven ineffective as a means of initiating economic recovery. In fact, debt spending of this magnitude can delay recovery and deepen economic malaise, as we saw in the U.S. in the 1930s and in Japan during the 1990s.

The bill is also laden with pork spending for morally repugnant causes such as abortion, an issue that your constituents -- many Southern Baptists and Roman Catholics such as myself -- recoil from as the murder of a child in the womb. Please, do not contribute our tax money to Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion profiteers.

Please Sen. Landrieu, please consider taking a bold and courageous stand against the dangerous direction your irresponisble and misguided party leadership is traveling down and consider voting on the side of responsibility and fiscal sanity.

Please do not burden future generations -- our children and their children -- with hyper inflation, economic destruction and crushing debt that this bill will bring about on the already strained American taxpayer.

Thank you, Jim Ponder, Jr.

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