Friday, January 16, 2009

Democrats and tyranny

If I had to name one of the most important among the many reasons I despise the Democrat Party as it exists today, it would be its approach to governing.

While Conservatives such as myself see rights as divinely granted and government subordinate to these rights, Democrats sees rights we are granted as a function of government, mostly because I suppose the party has turned its back on God.

Example: Nancy Pelosi cannot be bothered with the inconveniences intrinsic to the representative form of government. Rather, as a good Marxist -- she crams whatever confiscation of liberty and wealth possible into a package of garbage legislation before anyone even has a chance to read the bill. Like any tyrant, however, she does all of this in the name, of course, of the children, the unemployed, whatever: (You have to cut and paste to get link)

So, while we and our children who toil for a living will be soaked with confiscatory taxes to finance the Democrat pork "stimulus" sham, Comrade Nancy will continue to enjoy the perks of her Politburo position, including a taxpayer-financed jumbo jet to shuttle her about the country.

1 comment:

  1. Hey brother...ow! You need a warning before posting a pic of that witch!

    You know where I stand on this.
