Tuesday, February 3, 2009

We're running out of Democrats

I know, I know, you're not supposed to enjoy someone else's distress. But, hey, I'm loving it!

Link: Another tax cheat goes down in flames.

BHO latest tax cheat nominee drops out of contention for a job at the White House. Wow, it's not as easy as running the executive branch as it looks when you were on the sidelines slandering President Bush and his administration, is it Barry?

Between tax cheats and nominees under indictment, it might take a while to fill the empty seats on the Hope and Change Train.

Two weeks into his presidency and BHO's momentum is already in danger of stalling.

If the GOP has any brains, this will crucify this tax and spend bill as it hits the Senate floor -- along with the bunch crooks this administration is putting before the Senate.